How does one become a period coach? (updated)

As a kid, I didn’t have ‘period coach’ on my list of things I wanted to be when I grew up. But it doesn’t surprise me that I’ve ended up in the career I’m in. I always knew I wanted to help other people, to teach, to write, and yes — to be self-employed.

I’m often asked what I’ve studied to be able to do what I do.

How does one end up working with women who want to understand how to live more in flow with their body's natural rhythm?

First of all, I want to be clear on what I do and the parameters involved. As a qualified and experienced health and life coach, I work with women who want to develop a greater relationship with themselves, become more of an authority in their own lives, take better care of themselves, and want to fulfil a creative ambition or desire. They often feel called to explore more of their inner feminine energy, including their sensual, sexual and creative energy, and they (rightly so) feel that connecting to their menstrual cycle is important for their self-development. I am qualified to teach women how to get to know their own flow, and how to use this information to live a more positive and fulfilling life.

I am not qualified to diagnose hormonal imbalances (or any syndromes, disorders or health diseases) or give medical advice. I will always refer my clients on to an appropriate therapist, consultant, holistic practitioner or integrative doctor if I feel that's what they need. Often, it is a combination of healing modalities that works best for a client. My work lives more in the realm of menstruality; unravelling the female life process of menarche, the menstrual cycle, menopause and beyond, and playing in the delightful intersection of menstrual cycle awareness and life coaching.

I narrowed my focus in on menstrual cycle awareness back in 2014 because I felt it was the missing piece when it came to women's wellbeing, creativity, self-care and spiritual practice. The female body is cyclical, and I couldn't see anything out there in the world of coaching, wellbeing, spirituality and personal development that acknowledged and celebrated that.

So I decided to :)

In 2019 I began working on my own facilitator training Cycle Coach that is soon to open for its third year of classes. It is a pioneering training for facilitators that teaches the skills to share menstrual cycle awareness effectively and serve as a Cycle Coach. You can learn more about it here.

Here's a snapshot of what I have studied in my path of becoming a period coach:

  • I spent 2013 studying with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a certified health and life coach. I heartily recommend this course. It was 100% the foundation for my career as a coach. My style has evolved over almost nine years of working with clients, but I still use much of the IIN approach.-

  • In 2020 I continued my education with IIN, completing their advanced hormone health course for existing practitioners.

  • I trained with UK’s Red School in 2017, undertaking their Menstruality Leadership Program (formally the Women’s Quest Apprenticeship). This dual-residential course solidified and expanded my understanding of the psycho-spiritual aspect of the menstrual cycle in extraordinary ways. I still learn so much from my mentors Alexandra and Sjanie and am soon to undergo supervision for another certification I am completing with them in the realm of Menstrual Medicine.

  • I am trained teacher in natural fertility and I qualified in 2020 under the guidance of Dr. Kerry Hampton. This means I am certified to teach fertility awareness methods for both contraception and conception purposes.

  • Coaching itself. I’ve worked 1:1 with hundreds and hundreds of women who are curious about transforming their relationship with their menstrual cycle, their bodies, and ultimately with themselves. I am so grateful to have worked with so many women who have felt the power and potential they hold within. There are thousands more again who have taken my group courses and classes. All of my studies have been essential and invaluable, but the process of sitting down with women, and getting right into the gold of their cycle, together, over and over and over again — that has nourished the core of my teachings like nothing else. I deeply cherish my years of coaching. My advice to new coaches is never to skip over this part! It’s everything.

  • Studying my own cycle. I am completely devoted to the ebb and flow of my body and I do believe that my work is as rich and engaging as it is, because it comes from a truly genuine place. I live, breathe and bleed this work. So much of what I teach comes from what my own body has shown me.

  • I’ve completed various formal and informal education over the past years in the vast realms of relating, personal growth, creativity, sexuality, spirituality, the feminine mysteries and more. I believe it is important to continue to learn, to have a beginner’s mind, and stay a student forever - so that you can be a terrific teacher.


Where did you learn how to run your own business?

  • I spent 2013 learning the ropes of self-employment through the miracle that is B-School. It’s one thing to have skills, passion and experience in your field, but if you want to have your own business, there is SO MUCH to learn. I completed post-graduate university studies in business that didn’t teach me 1/4 of what I learned from Marie Forleo’s B-School. It’s meant I have a thriving business today rather than an expensive hobby.

B-School is where I met and became friends with Vienda Maria, who I have co-created with across a range of workshops and courses (The Heartful Biz and Your Own Online Course) as well as being affiliate partners with Marie Forleo’s B-School.

Once per year, we create a unique experience for women like us to take B-School too, with us to guide you. Enrolment is open now for 2021’s class.


If you invest in B-School with us you’ll also receive:

  1. A place in Secret Women’s Business, our upcoming 3-month live group mentoring experience. value: $1650 USD

  2. Our popular 2-day digital workshop The Heartful Biz, with ongoing access to our brains & a vibrant community in The Heartful Biz Facebook group value: $345 USD

  3. Our NEWEST co-creation: Your Own Online Course value: $275 USD

  4. A PARCEL OF LOVE sent to you from us, filled with:
    💗 A box of organic vegan chocolates
    💗 Vienda’s personal planner system Plannher
    💗 Claire’s book 50 Things You Need To Know About Periods
    💗 Stunning earrings handcrafted by a women’s collective in the mountains of Morocco
    …mailed to wherever you are in the world! Because we believe this is an investment and opportunity to celebrate, value: $229 USD

TOTAL VALUE: $2499 USD — for free!!

One of the most potent parts of B-School for us was always the community piece however over the years as the business program has grown (hooray!) it became harder to find an intimate and safe group of sisters to journey alongside. So we took on ourselves to create an online space to support your business journey where you feel cherished, comforted and encouraged as well as offered the rituals and practical steps we take to keep our business growing and evolving.

 Marie Forleo’s B-School is open for enrolment now and closes on July 29th.

 Here are some important links for you:

So, do you need to have a piece of paper to start sharing menstrual cycle awareness? Of course not. I think that sometimes we hold ourselves back by needing to get ‘another’ piece of paper before we just put ourselves out there.

Saying that, the wellness industry is so poorly regulated. It does concern me when I see people sharing information online that is simply not true, or outside the parameters of their qualification or experience. That's unhelpful at best and dangerous at worst. I believe in programs that will teach you how to show up for your clients with integrity, empathy, safety, structure, and of course — facts and knowledge!

That’s exactly why I created my facilitator training Cycle Coach.

Yes, Cycle Coach and B-School, with my direct support and mentoring, would be an incredible investment to make in your career!

Tell me: do you have any more questions on this topic? How can I help?

To learning and serving,

Claire x